Like with all adventures, as the time table becomes less and less before departure excitement mounts. However, with that excitement also comes the stress of preparing all the last minute details. I am very excited to know that in just under 36 hours we will be departing for an adventure which will span over 3,000 miles in only 10-12 days.
I have been prepping everything for the journey, making sure everything is ready for the adventures ahead, calling to reserve camping and branding everything! Now only a few things are remaining, including a good car wash and packing my clothes and then it will be at last time to depart on what should be one of the most memorable travels of a lifetime as I take a long over due trip with my best friend of 17 years.
A lot has gone into this trip, but like with all things the hardest part is preparing. I want to encourage everyone that they too can plan a vacation, daycation or just an adventure with a little work and a lot of fun without breaking the bank. My goal is to spend less than $50 a day by trips end and to document expenses so you can see just how much bang you really can get for your buck along the way if you prepare in advance!
Keep following along for more pictures along the way and a lot of exciting adventures.