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Talk To Me Tuesday Has Begun!

So the cat is finally out of the bag! Each week as a part of my interactive series, I will be hosting a live 20 minute Tuesday chat session with followers of the blog and social sites. Currently I am streaming this chat on Facebook Live but am looking to increase the range to another social site which can be streamed direct onto the website! I will be posting official times for this chat in advance so please follow my facebook so you can be a part of the

se broadcasts weekly!

Each broadcast will be a follower friendly format to which we can chat about upcoming travels, questions and more. I will be introducing you to people along the way for these chats which will let you have an inside look at some of the most exciting adventures I am on. So you won't want to miss out on the fun. Also I am working on a Saturday broadcast which is yet to be released so keep watching for that information as well!

I have attached the official video of this week's chat stream. So remember Tuesdays you won't want to miss Talk To Me Tuesday!!

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