Each year we all sit down and take a hard look at areas in our lives we want to improve and change. After the year most of us had in 2020 there will definitely be a lot of that with this first week of the new year.

For me I don’t like to make resolutions. Resolutions by nature are something which are fleeting moments and empty promises. Instead I wanted to make a commitment to something new and different all the while still sticking to something I know I am capable of already. So I opted to take one of my favorite travel staples to the next level and joined the 52 Hike Challenge.
Hiking is something which has always brought me a lot of peace as well as fulfilled my sense of adventure when traveling. Some of the best views aren’t available without a little foot work on a path to get there, so hiking is something which really appeals to me and always has. The challenge optimizes this love for being outdoors and experiencing nature in unique ways and holds it to a new level of accountability with a challenge to do 1 hike per week for the entirety of the calendar year.
The rules are simple:
1 hike per week
Hikes must be at least 1 mile
You can do the same hike more than once but are encouraged to switch it up and explore new areas
Document your hike through journaling, photos or video

Seems simple enough right!!
The idea behind the challenge is to let yourself have a moment each week to reflect, to unwind and to unplug from the norms of your grind and the world around you and to take those moments to allow your mind to wander and find freedom. In the pursuit of this better physical and mental health follow.

Especially after last year, this is something long over due for many of us so the challenge is one I encourage you to also consider.
If you are interested in the 52 Hike Challenge you can join in at www.52hikechallenge.com They have a free resource guide as well as other options for those feeling a bit more adventurous. Kids and pets also have a special course curriculum for this challenge that suits their abilities.
Along the next calendar year, once a week I will be documenting my hikes through a series of posts and blogs to share some of my favorites along the way. From easy to challenging hikes my personal goal is to improve with each passing hike and over time find some of the most unique and beautiful places to explore across the country. I personally hope to not repeat courses so 52 NEW hikes in 52 Different places will create a great challenge.
Here is to a challenging and rewarding 2021! See you on the trail!!